What Can Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally?

Varicose veins are a common nuisance that can become debilitating over time. If you have bulging veins on your legs, or symptoms like swelling, heaviness, cramping, aching, itching, or restlessness in your legs, you want relief promptly! Can varicose veins go away naturally? Varicose veins stem from excess blood pressure in the vein. This usually occurs when valves in your vein fail, allowing blood to flow in reverse and engorge the vein. This malfunction can’t be corrected with natural remedies.

However, for some patients, the symptoms and appearance of varicose veins are improved by lifestyle adjustments at home. For other patients, these are ineffective or unadvised. To eliminate the varicose vein, not just the symptoms, you need treatment from a vein doctor. Book an appointment with Harvard-trained vein doctors in California who have quick solutions for varicose veins. These are some steps you can take to minimize the discomfort and visibility of varicose veins. But certain tactics like wearing compression stockings and exercising aren’t safe for everyone. So, always seek a vein doctor’s advice first.

  • Wearing Compression Stockings: These must be approved and fitted by a vein doctor for efficacy and safety. If you wear compression stockings that are too loose or tight, you could do more harm than good. Patients with certain medical conditions need to avoid compression completely.
  • Elevating Your Legs: If your vein specialist recommends it, elevate your legs while resting to help blood flow toward your heart. Leg veins must pump blood against gravity, so this posture helps facilitate upward circulation. For maximum impact, elevate them above heart level when you lay down, rather than just propping them on a foot rest while seated.
  • Exercising Regularly: Always ask your vein doctor’s advice before starting a fitness routine. But regular exercise is beneficial for spider veins and varicose veins since muscle contractions in the legs help pump blood up through the veins. Exercise strengthens the heart, so it improves circulation from the arteries to the veins as well.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Everyone’s weight places a burden on leg veins, since veins must bear our weight and resist gravity to pump blood from the feet to the heart. When you gain extra weight, the burden increases, which makes veins stretch and valves in your veins fail, increasing varicosities. Weight gain during pregnancy can cause varicose veins, so don’t despair if you develop them. Visit our caring vein specialists for gentle, effective vein treatment in California.

Can varicose veins go away naturally? Symptoms might improve with lifestyle adjustments, but treatment is needed to truly eliminate varicose veins.

Do Spider Veins from Pregnancy Disappear Naturally?

Pregnancy often correlates with the development of spider veins and varicose veins for three reasons. First, weight gain from pregnancy places a greater burden on leg veins. Second, the growing uterus places extra pressure on the pelvic veins. And third, hormone shifts that occur during pregnancy also increase blood pressure in your veins. When a person is pregnant, blood volume is nearly doubled.

Can varicose veins go away naturally when they’re caused by pregnancy? After delivery, blood volume resumes a normal level, and the pressure on veins relents. Pregnancy is one of the rare instances where some veins might shrink or fade naturally over time. Pregnancy-induced spider veins and broken capillaries are more likely to fade than varicose veins, since varicosities commonly stem from valve failure in deeper veins that must be treated with an endovenous procedure.

Do You Need Vascular Surgery for Varicose Veins Treatment?

Vascular surgery for varicose veins treatment is increasingly rare in 2022. Over the past three decades, several less invasive methods have emerged for varicose veins. Vein specialists can now use tiny needles or catheters to treat the vein with injections through the skin. Vein doctors collapse veins inside the body and reroute blood into healthy veins, rather than stripping the varicose vein out of the body. A small percentage of patients do require surgical treatment for varicose veins, if they have blood clots or severe tortuosity. Inquire about newer surgical methods like ambulatory phlebectomy if you need surgery.

Do You Need Surgery for Spider Vein Removal or Sclerotherapy?

It’s incredibly rare to need surgery for spider vein removal. The only case would be if you’re having surgery for other vascular issues so the doctor treats spider veins during that surgery. But excising a spider vein is never the first course of action. These blood vessels are much smaller than varicose veins and easy to treat with sclerotherapy, laser treatment, or radiofrequency ablation.

Is Non-Surgical Varicose Veins or Spider Veins Treatment Best?

Whenever possible, non-surgical treatment is the best approach for spider veins and varicose veins. Vascular surgery involves general or spinal anesthesia, wounds, stitches, and downtime, and it’s more costly and time-consuming. It also poses more risks and is linked to more complications than minimally invasive vein treatment. Surgical methods are improving, but even vascular surgeons recommend less invasive methods if they’re trained to perform them. 

Does Every Leg Vein Clinic in CA Have Surgical Alternatives?

No two vein centers have the same technology or training. Some vein centers in California aren’t staffed by vein doctors, and others aren’t staffed by doctors at all. Choose a vein center with board certified vein doctors and a broad menu of treatment options so you receive customized care. Our vein specialists are experts at minimally invasive procedures and will also recommend surgery if needed.

Do All Veins Popping out on Legs Need Treatment?

Not all veins popping out on the legs, or elsewhere on the body, are varicose. Sometimes veins are simply enlarged temporarily, for instance after a hot shower, a day in the sun, or a tough workout. But veins that bulge continually, particularly in the legs, are often varicose. This is especially true if they produce symptoms like cramping, swelling, and heaviness, and if there are spider veins nearby.

Do Thick Veins and Broken Capillaries on Legs Need Treatment?

Ask your vein doctor whether your thick veins or broken capillaries need treatment. For some veins, treatment is optional, so these will be considered elective procedures by your insurance carrier. For other veins, treatment is medically necessary, and insurance will cover most or all of the procedure. Our insurance team is experienced in gaining coverage for procedures and we guarantee coverage before your appointment. Our vein centers are accredited and run by board certified vein doctors who use FDA-approved procedures, which maximizes the coverage you’ll receive.

How Do You Know When to Visit a Vein Treatment Clinic?

The sooner you visit a vein treatment center in California, the better your outcome will be. While vein treatments are successful at most stages, ignoring broken valves in your veins will lead to more vein damage and symptoms over time. If you treat your vein issues early, you help prevent a proliferation of spider veins and varicose veins. You’ll also prevent the more serious complications of vein disease, like venous ulcerations, venous stasis dermatitis, profuse bleeding, and hyperpigmentation.

What Is the Best Clinic for Varicose Veins in California?

If you want award-winning treatment for varicose veins, visit our premier vein center in San José or San Diego. Our doctors avoid vascular surgery whenever possible and offer several minimally invasive treatments for veins. We’ll inform you if your veins need treatment, or if your symptoms will improve if you lose weight, increase activity, or wear compression stockings. We eliminate both vein damage and valve failure with gentle procedures like sclerotherapy, endovenous laser treatment, and radiofrequency ablation. Book your consultation today!

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