Varicose Veins Stages: Do They Worsen If You Ignore Them?
Varicose veins are more than just a cosmetic nuisance. They’re also a visible clue that you might have vein disease. Chronic Venous Insufficiency is the common culprit behind varicosities, and it starts with valve failure deeper in the vein. Initially, varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that bulge beneath the surface of the skin. Left untreated, the disease advances and symptoms include leg swelling, heaviness, achiness, cramping, restlessness, and itchy skin.
The next stage might include slow-healing wounds (venous ulcerations), rashes (stasis dermatitis or venous eczema), blood clots, and profuse bleeding when the varicose vein is bumped or nicked. In addition, more varicose veins and spider veins will form until the valve failure is corrected. What happens if varicose veins are left untreated varies from patient to patient. But one thing is universal- the situation won’t improve. Click HERE to address your varicose veins now before complications arise. Our premier vein center in California has everything you need to eliminate varicose veins and vein disease, and we do it all without surgery.
Are All Veins Popping Out on Legs Actually Varicose Veins?
There are three main types of blood vessels: veins, arteries, and capillaries. Capillaries are very small, so they don’t protrude. Most arteries are deeper under the skin, and they’re also thicker, more muscular vessels, so they’re harder to see than veins. The colorful appearance of veins is actually the blood running through them. It’s harder to see blood through an artery.
The skin on hands and foreheads is thin, so it’s easy to see a healthy vein bulging in those areas, particularly after exertion. But bulging veins in the upper thigh and lower legs are often damaged, especially if they’re enlarged, twisted, and boldly colored. When a vein is damaged, it might be a spider vein (small and flat), a varicose vein (large and bulging), or a reticular vein (larger than spider veins but not protrusive). If you see a blood vessel popping out on your leg, it’s likely a varicose vein.
If I Have Red Veins on Legs, Is Getting Rid of Them Easy?
Patients consistently remark that they can’t believe how easy it was to eliminate red veins and bulging veins from their legs. Our vein treatments are performed with tiny needles or catheters that inject medicine or apply heat or adhesives to the vein walls. Patients remain awake and comfortable, and can walk around immediately after the procedure. There is no recovery period, large bandages, stitches, or anesthesia to awaken from, so patients can head straight back to work. Once you see our vein specialists, you’ll wish you treated your leg veins sooner.
Do Men Get Varicose Veins and Should They Treat Them?
Men do get varicose veins, even though they’re more common in women. Pregnancy, menopause, and birth control increase the odds of developing varicose veins, which is why they’re prevalent in women. However, the main risk factor for acquiring varicose veins is a family history, which impacts men as well. In addition, aging, sedentary lifestyles, obesity, smoking, and jobs that require prolonged sitting or standing contribute to the formation of varicose veins.
Men should not ignore varicose veins or assume they’re just a cosmetic issue. All of the complications women experience with varicosities apply to men too, including blood clots like deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Varicose veins treatment is quick, gentle, and discreet at our award-winning CA vein center. Patients are in and out in 30 minutes and can resume all their usual activities.
Are Varicose Veins & Spider Veins Treatment Both Urgent?
Some spider veins don’t require treatment, particularly if they’re located on the face and caused by something like sun damage or extreme temperature exposure. But if you have spider veins in the legs, it’s important to see a vein doctor to determine whether they stem from vein disease. Leg veins are more prone to valve failure and blood pooling since they pump blood against gravity. So, a spider vein in the leg is more indicative of Chronic Venous Insufficiency. If disease is present, prompt treatment of spider veins is highly recommended.
Varicose veins are even more important to treat because they’re very likely to stem from vein disease and also to present with symptoms like leg swelling, cramping, and fatigue that impair your life. In addition, varicosities can multiply and worsen, making treatment more complicated than it needs to be. Patients can develop bleeding that’s hard to control, since the vein presses against the surface of the skin, and wounds that are hard to treat, since white blood cells are delayed by valve failure en route to the wound.
Do Varicose Veins on Arms Require Treatment?
It’s a common misconception that varicose veins only occur in the legs. That is the most likely place to see varicose veins, due to the pressure on leg veins as they pump blood upward. However, varicose veins can occur anywhere, including the pelvic area and the arms. Varicosities in arms develop from excess blood pressure, particularly during hormonal shifts or when pressure on blood vessels in the midsection causes blood pooling in veins in the extremities (pregnancy, weight gain). Read about the best treatment for varicose vein in legs and arms below.
What Is the Best Treatment for Varicose Veins in Legs?
Thick, engorged veins, like varicose veins, are best treated with minimally invasive procedures, whenever possible. These innovative treatments reduce the risks, downtime, and complications associated with vein stripping surgery (phlebectomy). Some patients have so many blood clots or so much tortuosity that surgery is required. But the vast majority of patients respond better to minimally invasive vein treatments like sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, and vein adhesives.
Our team of California vein specialists offers a wide range of gentle methods to treat thick veins in the arms and legs, including Varithena, VenaSeal, ClariVein, and VNUS Closure. Our procedures only take a few minutes and don’t require general anesthesia or hospitalization. Ask our caring vein experts about the best treatment for varicose veins in the legs or arms today! We customize care to deliver flawless results.
What’s the Recommended Varicose Veins Pregnancy Treatment?
Pregnancy is a common cause of varicose veins. It increases the amount of blood flowing through the veins, which elevates blood pressure, often leading to varicose veins or spider veins. It also places pressure on the pelvic veins as your uterus grows, which in turn, can cause spider and varicose veins. While it’s safe to treat varicose veins caused by pregnancy, it’s not recommended to treat varicose veins during pregnancy. Some enlarged veins during pregnancy are simply enlarged, and not varicose. These will reduce in size after delivery, so ask your vein doctor whether the vein requires treatment.
Once your doctor approves vein treatment, schedule an appointment at our CA vein center for quick repair. Occasionally, vein damage will lighten on its own after pregnancy as blood volume decreases and weight is reduced. But most women find that their vein damage remains, and we’re here to help you resolve it.
What Can Get Rid of Varicose Veins Before Problems Arise?
If you want to avoid complications of varicose veins, choose minimally invasive vein treatment. These quick, outpatient procedures target both the vein and the underlying disease. Our cutting-edge vein treatments seal off the faulty vein, so the varicosity disappears since blood can no longer enter it. In addition, the problematic valve is addressed, so that more varicosities don’t appear. If you want to get rid of varicose veins quickly and permanently, choose our renowned vein doctors. Don’t wait around to see what happens if varicose veins are left untreated. It’s never a desirable outcome.